The NIH requires us to acknowledge the federal funding when publishing manuscripts, posters and presenting at conferences. Below is sample language for citing the HN SPORE.
HN SPORE Renewal (2022-)
If related work was completed after July 2022, please cite the Wisconsin HN SPORE Renewal award number: P50CA278595.
“This project was supported by the Specialized Program of Research Excellence (SPORE) program, through the National Cancer Institute (NCI), grant P50CA278595. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.”
HN SPORE 1.0 (2016-2022)
If related work was completed from August 2016 – July 2022, please cite P50DE026787.
“This project was supported by the Specialized Program of Research Excellence (SPORE) program, through the NIH National Institute for Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) and National Cancer Institute (NCI), grant P50DE026787. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.”
Federal Public Access Policy applies; therefore, submission of resulting publications to the NIH PubMed Central is REQUIRED. This is different than PubMed (PMID).
Some publishers do this automatically if authors cite federal awards as part of the manuscript submission process. If you are unsure, please reach out to Bucky Submit, our UW resource.
Use Bucky Submit!
Does all of my research need to be part of the HN SPORE grant in order to cite it?
No. If you are using SPORE resources to promote Head and Neck Cancer research, please contact Shari Piaskowski if you have questions on whether your manuscript should cite the HN SPORE. Any work using the HN SPORE Cores or tied to pilot or project funding should cite the HN SPORE grant.
What if I used HN SPORE Cores?
If you used the Biostats or Path Cores, please strongly consider including the core personnel who contributed to your project, such as Rong Hu or Menggang Yu in the author list, as appropriate. This gives credit to the cores for progress reporting purposes.
Can I just publish and let the journal take care of public access policy?
Please send FINAL, approved manuscript versions (and supplementary data files) to Shari Piaskowski just to be sure. She will help you upload them to the NIH manuscript submission system if the publisher does not do it automatically for free. Or you can use BUCKY SUBMIT–they are Ebling Library PMC professionals!